Analysis of Supervised Learners to Extract Knowledge of Lighting Angels in Face Images
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
S. Naderi
N. Moghadam Charkari
E. Kabir
1 -
2 - Tarbiat Modares University
3 - Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: Bayes DCT decision tree lighting angles Supervised learning SVM,
Abstract :
Variation of Light intensity and its direction have been the main challenges in many face recognition systems that lead to the different normal and abnormal shadows. Today, various methods are presented for face recognition under different lighting conditions which require previous knowledge about Light source and the angle of radiation as well. In this paper, a new approach is proposed to extract the knowledge of/about the lighting angle/direction in face images based on learning techniques. At First, some effective coefficients on lighting variation are extracted on DCT domain. They will be used to determine lighting classes after normalization. Then, three different learning algorithms, Decision tree, SVM, and WAODE (Weightily Averaged One-Dependence Estimators) are used to learn the lighting classes. The algorithms have been tested on the well known YaleB and Extended Yale face databases. The comparative results indicate that the SVM achieves the best average accuracy for classification. On the other hand, WAODE Bayesian approach attains the better accuracy in classes with large lighting angle because of its resistance against data loss.
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