A Two-Stage Method for Classifiers Combination
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
S. H. Nabavi Karizi
E. Kabir
1 -
2 - Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: Ensemble learningparticle swarm optimizationdiversity creationmixture of experts,
Abstract :
Ensemble learning is an effective machine learning method that improves the classification performance. In this method, the outputs of multiple classifiers are combined so that the better results can be attained. As different classifiers may offer complementary information about the classification, combining classifiers, in an efficient way, can achieve better results than any single classifier. Combining multiple classifiers is only effective if the individual classifiers are accurate and diverse. In this paper, we propose a two-stage method for classifiers combination. In the first stage, by mixture of experts strategy we produce different classifiers and in the second stage by using particle swarm optimization (PSO), we find the optimal weights for linear combination of them. Experimental results on different data sets show that proposed method outperforms the independent training and mixture of experts methods.
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