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  • List of Articles

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A New Green Optimal Routng Algorithm in Data Communication Networks
        Mohsen Heydarian Fariba Darvishiyan
        <p class="Abstract">The production of energy from renewable sources, such as the energy from electricity-water, which reduces the amount of CO2, is called clean energy. Today, technologies and methods that reduce energy consumption in computer networks and Co2 productio More
        <p class="Abstract">The production of energy from renewable sources, such as the energy from electricity-water, which reduces the amount of CO2, is called clean energy. Today, technologies and methods that reduce energy consumption in computer networks and Co2 production in the environment are called green networks. Now, high consumption of energy in networks and increasing production of Co2 is an important global challenge. This research analyzes the three important principles of optimization, not draining resources and not wasting resources from green network standards. This research shows that high-performance optimal routing algorithms do not always guarantee green standards in networks, and the principles of optimality and greenness must be combined. Therefore, by combining the principles of being green and the principles of linear optimization, a new green optimal routing algorithm in computer networks is presented. Next, three types of USCP, OUMR and OMMR routing algorithms are analyzed according to green standards and it is proven that they are not green despite being optimal. Then, based on the strengths and weaknesses of these methods, a new green optimal routing algorithm is presented. The simulation results and comparisons show that the new method, while increasing the network efficiency, also improves the green standards of data transmission.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Novel Approach based on Chaotic Mapping for Implementing Security Phases on Cloud Computing
        Azita Rezaei Ali Broumandnia Seyed Javad Mirabedini
        <p>Today, various clients use the cloud to transfer Thing by Internet (ETI). Many companies and organizations are persuaded to use the cloud utilities in secure environment. Beside of this technology is becoming popular, the risks and attacks on data are increasing. Ult More
        <p>Today, various clients use the cloud to transfer Thing by Internet (ETI). Many companies and organizations are persuaded to use the cloud utilities in secure environment. Beside of this technology is becoming popular, the risks and attacks on data are increasing. Ultimately, a security broker management in cloud services tries to balance security, performance, and availability features availabilities. This paper tries to increase the customer satisfaction index by creating 4 phases of security on the data process during transporting between the customer and the Cloud Service Provider (CSP), while increasing efficiency and availability. Tables and graphs show that the amount of the system allocated penalty is reduced by 61.41% and the customer satisfaction index has increased by 60.67%.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Community Detection in Complex Networks Using Minimum Spanning Tree and Modularity Maximization
        sondos bahadori maryam nooraei
        <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;">Modularity is one of the prominent features of complex networks that divides the structure of these networks into community groups. So far, many methods have been used to identify communities in co More
        <p><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman', serif;">Modularity is one of the prominent features of complex networks that divides the structure of these networks into community groups. So far, many methods have been used to identify communities in complex networks, but some of these methods have local optimizations that affect the order of processing nodes and the final solution. In this paper, a new method for finding communities in complex networks using split and merge is proposed. In this method, minimum spanning tree is used as a tool to detect dissimilarity between nodes. In the partitioning process, the edges that show the most dissimilarity are removed in the minimum spanning tree to create smaller groups of nodes in a community. In the merging process, each group is merged with the neighboring group whose combination has the highest increase in modularity compared to other neighboring groups. The results of experiments conducted on real networks and artificial networks show that the method proposed in this article has a good accuracy for identifying communities in complex networks.&nbsp;</span></p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Event-Driven Distributed Trust Model for Internet of Things Network
        Zahra Hadian Fazllolah Adibnia وحید رنجبر
        <p class="Abstract">A vision of the future Internet has been introduced in which various computing devices will be connected to each other to form a network called the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things facilitates human life by providing many applications and s More
        <p class="Abstract">A vision of the future Internet has been introduced in which various computing devices will be connected to each other to form a network called the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things facilitates human life by providing many applications and smart devices that can be controlled remotely. IoT security is a challenging task due to the inherent characteristics of IoT, especially the heterogeneity of nodes in terms of resources. Trust management, by calculating and analyzing the trust between nodes, enables the node to make an appropriate and reliable decision in communication between nodes. The goal of trust management schemes in a distributed system is to predict the future behavior of nodes based on their previous behavior. In this paper, an event-based distributed trust management method is proposed that calculates the trust between objects using weighted summation. In this method, nodes can evaluate the behavior of other nodes. According to the performed simulation, the proposed method is faster in comparison with the DDTMS method and identifies malicious nodes in fewer transactions and is also more resistant to on-off and bad-mouthing attacks.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Predicting ratings in recommender systems considering the dynamics of users’ preferences dynamics and changes in items' characteristics
        Hamidreza Tahamsbi
        <p class="Abstract">Recommender systems help users to extract useful information from a large volume of complex data, and their use has received significant attention in recent years. In practice, the interests of users and the characteristics of items in these systems More
        <p class="Abstract">Recommender systems help users to extract useful information from a large volume of complex data, and their use has received significant attention in recent years. In practice, the interests of users and the characteristics of items in these systems change over time, and therefore, adapting recommender systems to these types of changes is necessary and helps to provide more accurate recommendations to users. However, most temporal recommender systems are only based on the dynamics of users' preferences over time and do not consider changes in item characteristics.</p> <p class="Abstract">In this paper, we propose a non-negative matrix factorization-based recommender system that uses both dynamics of users' interests and the changes in item characteristics over time in predicting users' ratings of items. In the proposed model, in order to reduce the data sparsity problem, in addition to users' ratings, trust between users is also used. The evaluation results on the Epinions dataset show that the proposed model is more accurate than the compared methods.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Dynamic Energy Consumption Reduction Algorithm for Mixed Critical Real-Time Systems with Multi-Core Processors
        seyed hassan sadeghzadeh
        <p class="Abstract">Today, unlike traditional embedded systems that have tasks with the same degree of importance, many critical embedded systems are mixed and are used more often. Mixed critical systems are real-time embedded systems introduced to consolidate critical More
        <p class="Abstract">Today, unlike traditional embedded systems that have tasks with the same degree of importance, many critical embedded systems are mixed and are used more often. Mixed critical systems are real-time embedded systems introduced to consolidate critical safety and non-critical safety programs on a common hardware platform. Multi-core processors provide the ability to integrate different applications on one hardware and can be a suitable choice for mixed critical embedded systems. However, reducing the energy consumption in these systems is a necessary requirement due to the high volume of processing and their generally battery-based design. Therefore, in this paper, an innovative scheduling method is introduced to reduce energy consumption in mixed critical systems consisting of multi-core processors. This algorithm will reduce the energy consumption of the system by DVFS, while ensuring the timely execution of critical tasks. The results obtained from the simulations show that the energy consumption of the proposed algorithm is improved by 30% compared to similar methods.</p> Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - An Effective Application of Fractional Optimal Control in the Treatment of Infectious Diseases
        Amin Jajarmi ‎Manijeh Hasanabadi
        <p class="Abstract">In this paper, a novel optimal control model is proposed using the generalized fractional derivative with an arbitrary kernel function to investigate and control HIV infection. Accordingly, an effective therapeutic strategy based on the fractional op More
        <p class="Abstract">In this paper, a novel optimal control model is proposed using the generalized fractional derivative with an arbitrary kernel function to investigate and control HIV infection. Accordingly, an effective therapeutic strategy based on the fractional optimal control theory is formulated and examined for the mentioned disease. The optimality conditions, based on the principle of Pontryagin&rsquo;s maximization, are formulated as a fractional boundary value problem. Furthermore, an efficient numerical method is presented for finding the solution to the generalized fractional dynamic system and solving the corresponding optimal control problem. Convergence and analysis of the proposed technique&rsquo;s error are also studied and evaluated. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the fractional derivative model for a fractional order of 0.99 exhibits lower error and, consequently, better accuracy compared to the integer order model and other fractional orders tested (based on real data validated by the World Health Organization). Moreover, the implementation of the proposed optimal control leads to a significant reduction in the spread of the disease. Consequently, the introduced fractional model serves as an efficient tool for highlighting the fundamental characteristics of the transmission of the aforementioned disease and can enhance the effectiveness of therapeutic strategies.</p> <p class="Space">&nbsp;</p> Manuscript profile