A Mathematical Model Based on Electrical and Magnetic susceptibilities for an Ideal Reflective Metasurface - Without Unwanted Waves -
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Elham Moradi
Masoud Movahhedi
1 - Electrical Engineering Department, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran
2 - Yazd University
Keywords: Anomalous reflection, metasurfaces, periodic structures, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs), generalized sheet transition conditions (GSTCs).,
Abstract :
One of the most useful features of metasurfaces is controlling a plane-wave reflection. However, recent research has shown that realizations of anomalously reflecting surfaces based on simple phase-gradient metasurface designs suffer from limited efficiency, where there are always parasitic reflections to undesired directions. Using a circuit-based approach, it has been shown that a polarizer metasurface can achieve reflection without spurious diffraction. Here, such condition is derived using a medium-based—and hence, more insightful—an approach based on generalized sheet transition conditions and surface susceptibility tensors. Thus, we derive the susceptibility tensors of the metasurface in closed-form equations. Moreover, to determine the performance improvement of this metasurface compared to its common examples, the susceptibility parameters of the metasurface based on the Generalized Snell's law are also obtained. Then, full-wave simulations of two surfaces illuminated by perpendicular Gaussian waves are compared. The obtained susceptibility parameters are considered the macroscopic design of the metasurface.
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