Design of a Secondary Controller Based on Distributed Cooperative Control of Distributed Generators (DGs) with Multi-Agent Systems Approach Considering DoS Cyber Attacks
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Abdollah Mirzabeigi
Ali Kazemy
Mehdi Ramezani
Seyed Mohammad Azimi
1 - جهاد دانشگاهی
2 - faculty member
3 - faculty member
4 - factuly member
Keywords: Distributed generators, DoS cyber-attacks, multi-agent systems, cooperative distributed hierarchical control, secondary controller,
Abstract :
Today, in many control methods, neighboring system information is used for better control and synchronization between different units, and therefore, in the access and transmission of information through communication links, problems such as disruption, uncertainty, noise, delay, and cyber-attacks occur. In this paper, the effect of the Denial of Service (DoS) cyber-attack on the microgrid in island mode is investigated and a cooperative distributed hierarchical controller is designed with the presence of this cyber-attack. Distributed Generations (DGs) have been analyzed with the help of multi-agent systems and the communication network between them using graph theory. The effects of the DoS cyber-attack on the model of DGs are mathematically formulated and in proving the stability and synchronization of frequency and voltage, the suitable Lyapunov function is presented and the stability analysis of DGs against these cyber-attacks is performed and the stability and synchronization conditions of DGs are proved. To confirm the proposed theoretical issues, a case study model is simulated despite the DoS attack on the communicative links in Matlab Simulink, and the results show the performance of the designed controller in different conditions.
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