Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control of an Active Front-End Rectifier with Dynamic References and Comparison with MPDPC Method
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Ayyoub Keshvari
Mohammad Reza Alizadeh Pahlavani
Arash Dehestani Kolagar
1 - Malek Ashtar University of Technology
2 - دانشگاه صنعتی مالک اشتر
3 -
Keywords: Model predictive control, direct power control, dynamic references, active front-end,
Abstract :
In this paper, a finite-control-set model predictive control method is presented for closed loop control of an active front-end rectifier. The method used has a discrete-time function and does not require any additional modulators. The interesting point in the control algorithm is how to control the dynamic references. The control strategy is able to provide proper references for source active power and DC voltage, without the need for additional control loops. In order to better understand the performance, the proposed control method is compared with the model predictive direct power control (MPDPC) method. The results obtained using Matlab/Simulink software show that the proposed method, while having all the capabilities of the MPDPC method, including proper tracking of active power and DC voltage and low current THD, by removing the PI controller and its related disadvantages, it has better stability and faster transient response.
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