An Adaptive Multi-Objective Clustering Algorithm based on Auction_Prediction for Mobile Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Network
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Roghieh Alinezhad
Sepideh Adabi
arash Sharifi
1 -
2 - Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch
3 - Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Networks Moving Target Tracking AuctionPrediction Neural NetworkClustering,
Abstract :
One of the applications of sensor networks is to track moving target. In designing the algorithm for target tracking two issues are of importance: reduction of energy consumption and improvement of the tracking quality. One of the solutions for reduction of energy consumption is to form a tracking cluster. Two major challenges in formation of the tracking cluster are when and how it should be formed. To decrease the number of messages which are exchanged to form the tracking cluster an auction mechanism is adopted. The sensor’s bid in an auction is dynamically and independently determined with the aim of establishing an appropriate tradeoff between network lifetime and the accuracy of tracking. Furthermore, since the tracking cluster should be formed and activated before the target arrives to the concerned region (especially in high speed of target), avoidance from delay in formation of the tracking cluster is another challenge. Not addressing the mentioned challenge results in increased target missing rate and consequently energy loss. To overcome this challenge, it is proposed to predict the target’s position in the next two steps by using neural network and then, simultaneously form the tracking clusters in the next one and two steps. The results obtained from simulation indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms AASA (Auction-based Adaptive Sensor Activation).
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