Reduction of Magnetic Core Losses in Forward Converter for Driving Magnetron Lamp
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Mohamad Reza Banaei
ابوالفضل نصیری
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Keywords: Active clampForward converterMagnetic core Magnetron lampPhased shifted Series resonance,
Abstract :
In this study, a forward converter with phased shifted active clamp is presented for the driving of magnetron lamp (4 kV, 300 mA, 1000 ±40 W).The presented converter is of a boost and high-gain type. To reduce the voltage stress, the active clamp structure is used. In addition, using the clamp switch phase shifted method, while the maximum flux density of the transformer core retains power, it is possible to increase the time the main key is turned on. Thus, with the same nucleus, the possibility of increasing power transmission is created. Therefore, in the same power, the volume, weight and price of the core used should be reduced.Also, a series resonance circuit provides soft switching conditions. Maximum and average power supply power is controlled for minimum losses. The power supply delivers about 1 kW with an average power of about 250 W by adjusting the time the converter is enabled. Other advantages of the proposed circuit include simply power circuit, reduction of the number of switching elements and reduction of switching losses. The design results have been simulated and verified by PSCAD software.
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