Investigating the Absorption Performance of Ink-Jet Printed Microwave Transmission Line at S Band
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Mohammad Momeni-Nasab
سیدمنصور بیدکی
Mohsen Hadizadeh
Masoud Movahhedi
1 - Yazd University
2 -
3 - Yazd University
4 - Yazd University
Keywords: Transmission lineink-jet printingreactive inkssilver nanoparticlesmicrowave,
Abstract :
Ink-jet printing technology is one of the most promising printing techniques enabling fabrication of conductive patterns in a one-step and direct process. In this study, a microwave transmission line is fabricated on RO4003C substrate using water-based reactive inks and ink-jet printing technique. The fabricated transmission line structure includes an ink-jet printed silver line, a dielectric layer, and a continuous metallic ground plate. The conductivity of the printed line is measured using Four-point probe method. The electromagnetic wave absorption rate of the printed transmission line is simulated according to the measured conductivity, which proves a good agreement with the measured absorption rate at S band (2-4 GHz frequency range).
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