Performance Improvement of Polynomial Neural Network Classifier using Whale Optimization Algorithm
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Mahsa Memari
A. Harifi
a. Khalili
1 -
2 - University of Hormozgan
3 - Hormozgan University
Keywords: Polynomial Neural NetworkWale Optimization AlgorithmPartial DescriptionClassification,
Abstract :
Polynomial neural network (PNN) is a supervised learning algorithm which is one of the most popular models used in real applications. The architectural complexity of polynomial neural network in terms of both number of partial descriptions (PDs) and number of layers, leads to more computation time and more storage space requirement. In general, it can be said that the architecture of the polynomial neural networks is very complex and it requires large memory and computation time. In this research, a novel approach has been proposed to improve the classification performance of a polynomial neural network using the Whale Optimization Algorithm (PNN-WOA). In this approach, the PDs are generated at the first layer based on the combination of two features. The second layer nodes consists of PDs generated in the first layer, input variables and bias. Finally, the polynomial neural network output is obtained by sum of weighted values of the second layer outputs. Using the Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), the best vector of weighting coefficients will be obtained in such a way that the PNN network reach to the highest classification accuracy. Eleven different dataset from UCI database has been used as input data of proposed PNN-WOA and the results has been presented. The proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches such as PNN-RCGA, PNN-MOPPSO, RCPNN-PSO and S-TWSVM in most cases. For datasets, an improvement of accuracy between 0.18% and 10.33% can be seen. Also, the results of the Friedman test indicate the statistical superiority of the proposed PNN-WOA model compared to other methods with p value of 0.039.
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